I am not sure how many of you are Ted ?Talks fans or have even heard of them, but the concept of ideas worth spearding is brilliant in my opinion. The reason why I chose Ted Talks as the theme of this edition of the carnival is because TedxWaterloo is happening next week and I am up to my eyeballs watching everything Ted related on the web.
I am sharing some of my favourite talks that find fitting.
This one is called 4 AM. Can you tell what time I am putting this together?
Editor?s pick:
Sandy from Yes, I Am Cheap presents Where Can You Get A Loan in Tough Times?, and says, ?When the banks and high street lenders only lend money to those with the finest of credit records there are other options ?
(Marissa?s note: This is such a timely piece given how many are looking to get a loan)
Financial Uproar from Financial Uproar presents Dammit People, Enough With The Hard-on About Vacations, and says, ?Is travelling overrated? Or is it really the solution to all of life?s problems??
(Marissa?s note: Nelson is weirdo. ?:) )
Eric from Narrow Bridge Finance presents Eight Cheap Date Ideas That Don?t Break The Bank, and says, ?Here are my tips on starting a new relationship without breaking the bank.?
(Marissa?s note: so many of friends jump into relationships without discussing finances. I feel like they all need to read this)
Roshawn Watson from Watson Inc presents Is it Better To Be Frugal or Earn More?, and says, ?There are plenty of millionaires who attribute much of their wealth to frugality, but the fact remains the average income of millionaire households is approximately $350,000 (~5x the national average), so it is certainly not frugality alone that accounts for building wealth. Is it better to be frugal or to be a high earner??
(Marissa?s note: I am believer in earning more to?expedite?the process of creating wealth.)
Eric J. Nisall from DollarVersity presents http://www.dollarversity.com/stop-with-the-evil-credit-card-crap-already/, and says, ?Credit card debt can be a bitch; I?ve been there so I know. Are the credit cards what?s really to blame or is there some other issue that people ignore??
(Marissa?s note: I think credit cards are great provided that they are used correctly)
Young from Youngandthrifty presents My Experience with Home Insurance, and says, ?Home insurance seems pretty essential and not wise to skimp on. Here is a little bit about my experience with home insurance.?
(Marissa? note: I?ve been having the same conversation with a few people recently.)
Squirrelers from Squirrelers presents Successfully Contesting a Vehicle Citation or Traffic Ticket, and says, ?Ever get a traffic or parking ticket that was genuinely unfair? Here are some tips to help you successfully contest it.?
(Marissa?s note: This is very helpful for me since I tend to get a few tickets a year. Yeah, I?m that girl)
Evan from My Journey to Millions presents Do You Know Your Monthly Nut?, and says, ?Regardless of whether you make $46,000 or $460,000 almost everything in personal finance starts with what I commonly refer to as the ?monthly nut.? Your monthly nut is the base line for all other things in your personal finance world, it is the base of your financial pyramid. I define monthly nut as, Those fixed costs that regardless of what occurs will be owed next month?
(Marissa?s note: This is a different way of explaining your basic monthly budget)
TTMK from Tie the Money Knot presents 7 Tips on Disclosing Finances Before Marriage, and says, ?It?s important to share details of finances with your partner, before marriage. This article discusses 7 tips on how to go about doing just that.?
(Marissa? note: Like Eric?s post above, talking about your finances is so important before getting married)
Jake from I Am 1 Percent presents You Are Already The 1 Percent, and says, ?When put into a different perspective, most Americans are in the 1% of income earners.?
(Marissa?s note: I love this post. It makes people really examine everything that they have compared to the rest of the world)?
Barbara Friedberg from Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance presents My Journey From Slackard to Success; How to Use Goal Setting for Success, and says, ?Personal finance and money success don?t arrive magically without work or a plan. Read about my story and learn tips for personal and financial wealth building success.?
Brandon Crombar from Shared Financial Success presents The Truth Gleaned From A Millionaire Gallery, and says, ?If a picture is worth a thousand words then what would a photo gallery of millionaires have to say? There are many timeless truths we can learn from the millionaire gallery.?
Jason from One Money Design presents 6 Spring Break Ideas for Families, and says, ?Check out these spring break ideas for families to get the most out of this great opportunity to spend time with your kids and have some fun!?
Alex Garcia from ETF Universe presents High Yield Bond ETF Guide, and says, ?A list of high yield bond ETFs which have recently seen large inflows?
Julie from Freedom 48 presents Don?t Let a Fear of the Markets Stop you from Saving, and says, ?This article emphasizes how important it is to keep on saving, regardless of whether there?s a drop in the markets.?
Dividend Growth Investor from Dividend Growth Investor presents 17 Cheap Dividend Aristocrats on Sale, and says, ?As part of my dividend retirement plan, I add new money to my portfolio every single month. I have found that purchasing dividend stocks with growing dividends, reinvesting these distributions selectively and adding new capital consistently is the key recipe for success that will help me reach the dividend crossover point.?
Bret from Hope to Prosper presents 3 Reasons to Control your Assets, and says, ?I read a couple of interesting financial articles this week, which showed how investors were bilked, scammed and even murdered by unscrupulous money managers.?
Glen Craig from Free From Broke presents What is the 403(b) Retirement Plan? ? Overview, and says, ?The 403(b) retirement plan is similar in many ways to the better-known 401(k). Read more about who is eligible for a 403b and what it is exactly.
Martin from Studenomics presents Do People Actually Make Money From Blogging?, and says, ?A look at how money can be made from blogging.?
Div Guy from The Dividend Guy Blog presents A 100% Dividend Stock Portfolio is a Safe Portfolio, and says, ?We look at a dividend only portfolio.?
Mike from Do Not Wait presents Why Buying Stuff Will Hold You Back, and says, ?We look at the negative of always buying more stuff.?
Mike from Experiglot presents The Art of Experimenting By Always Asking, and says, ?Do you always ask for more??
IS from Intelligent Speculator presents Buying Gold, A Battle That Will Never End For Me, and says, ?Why I believe in buying gold.?
Green Panda from Green Panda Treehouse presents Designing a Savings System That Works For You, and says, ?Helping you save more money.?
Mike from The Financial Blogger presents What?s More Important Than Money?, and says, ?We look past money in this piece.?
James Petzke from Critical Financial presents Lessons from Google?s Brief Dip, and says, ?Google?s stock recently dipped because of missed earning projections. It has since rebounded almost 10%. Here?s why, and how you can capitalize next time around. ?
Craig Ford from Christian Debt Coach presents How Much Can I Afford Calculators | Reasons to Avoid Them At All Costs, and says, ?Discover the inherit issues with online calculators.?
Craig Ford from Help Me Travel Cheap presents Best Airline Credit Cards Where Miles Post After First Purchase, and says, ?You can still earn credit card sign up bonuses even if you don?t spend a lot.?
SB from One Cent At A Time presents Beware of Charitable Donation Scams, and says, ?Do you think about the person/organization that receive your charity money? you may know the well known ones, but the ones that solicit first contact?
How to determine the legitimacy of charities and ensure your money is employed for benefit of the needy, and not for benefit of the scamsters.?
N.W. Journey from Net Worth Journey presents The Difference between Marginal and Effective Tax Rates, and says, ?Understand the differences between marginal and effective tax rates.?
Michelle from See Debt Run presents Debt Dieting, and says, ?Comparing the psychological effects of not letting yourself spend money, to what happens when you are food dieting. Talking about my past experiences with diets, and relating it to where we are today.?
Craig Ford from Money Help For Christians presents Is the Ideal Job and the Perfect Passion a Myth or Reality?, and says, ?Is there such a thing as a perfect job??
SB from Finance Product Reviews presents Capital One InterestPlus Savings Account Review, and says, ?CapitalOne InterestPlus checking account review. Earn interest on your checking account now.?
Eemusings from Musings of an Abstract Aucklander presents The art of the one car household, and says, ?How we make it work with one car between two.?
Madison from My Dollar Plan presents Readers Share Refinance Strategies, and says, ?Refinancing is a hot topic right now based on the record low mortgages rates and our readers had plenty of input on how to get the best deal when exploring their options.?
Dannielle from Odd Cents presents 8 Ways to Make Money, and says, ?This article looks at eight ways you can make money to supplement your primary income.?
Analytical Planner from Planning Makes Cents presents Air Conditioner Goes Out: Complete Panic or Major Annoyance?, and says, ?This article is about being prepared for a major emergency. I write about how having targeted savings has turned an air conditioner disaster into just a major annoyance. That?s the power of having an emergency fund.?
Ken Faulkenberry from AAAMP Blog presents Investment Portfolio Diversification Definition, Examples, and Advantages, and says, ?Definition, examples, and advantages of investment portfolio diversification are examined with the purpose of risk management and portfolio optimization.?
Philip from PT Money Personal Finance presents Should I Roll Over My 401k?, and says, ?Reviews the options of rolling a 401k into your checking account, a new 401k, a rollover IRA, or a Roth IRA should the need ever arise.?
David from Start Talking Cents presents 13 Places to Find Free WiFi Spots, and says, ?If you?ve done all you can to reduce your household expenses (like eliminating cable TV) but you are searching for even more ways to save on your monthly bills, have you considered giving up your home internet access??
Dan Meyers from Your Life, Their Life presents How much do we spend monthly?, and says, ?How does your monthly spending compare to national averages??
Sian Meades from TotallyMoney presents When should you tip?, and says, ?A guide to tipping in the UK, when to tip and when not to?
Bryan at Pinch that Penny! from Pinch that Penny! presents ?Southland? Personalities and Money, Part 1, and says, ?This is the first in a series that compares characters? attitudes on the show ?Southland? to real world attitudes towards money. This articles focuses on the character of Dewey.?
Tim from Faith and Finance presents How to Get Free Manufacturers Coupons and Free Samples by Mail, and says, ?I love using a good coupon or two, but getting free things delivered right from the company is even better. Here are 10 resources for free stuff! ?
Nicole from Nicole and Maggie: Grumpy Rumblings presents When do you need targeted saving?, and says, ?Nicole and Maggie discuss when targeted saving helps over a slush fund (or two slush funds) and when it is just clutter.?
Rob from Dough Roller presents Which FICO Score Do Lenders Use?, and says, ?Do lenders average the three scores, or take some other approach??
Control Your Cash from Control Your Cash presents There?s a Millionaire Born Every Minute, and says, ?A review of P.T. Barnum?s Art of Money Getting, a kick-ass book about how to?get money. ?
Mike from Rewards Cards USA presents How To Earn Travel Rewards Faster, and says, ?One of the reasons that many people sign up for rewards credit cards is the opportunity to earn travel rewards that can be used to save money on airfare, hotel rooms, and other travel costs.?
Echo from Boomer & Echo presents Top Cash Back Credit Cards In Canada, and says, ?I looked into the top cash back credit cards in Canada, including annual fee cards and no fee cards. Here are the three best cards on the market:
Dave Hilton from Debt Black Hole presents The Creation Of A New Financial Term, and says, ?Almost everyone?s familiar with the term- Landlord. But what should a person who rents rooms in the house they live in be called? This guest post by Mike from Renting Out Rooms has the answer!?
Justin Reames from The Family Finances presents The Costs of Raising Baby: Diapers, and says, ?My analysis on saving money on diapers during the first year if baby?s life?
Kaye from Mrs Nespy?s World presents Taking Advantage of Lower Mortgage Rates, and says, ?After weighing several options and running the numbers, we just completed the refinance of our home and now save $340/month from our original mortgage!?
Neal Frankle from Wealth Pilgrim presents What Is a Mutual Fund Prospectus? How to Read and Understand It., and says, ?What is a mutual fund prospectus? It?s a document that gives you an inside look at your mutual fund, and it?s about as inviting to read as a telephone book. That?s exactly the way Wall Street likes it. As long as you don?t take the five minutes it usually requires to go through the document, you won?t be aware of the fees the fund charges you. Also, by failing to read the prospectus, you?ll be in the dark about the wild investments the 25-year-old multi-billion dollar fund manager can make with your money. There is no way around it. For certain investors, reading the prospectus is a critical step in mutual fund evaluation.?
Colin Eilliams from humble savers presents Is Now The Right Time To Invest In The Stock Market?, and says, ?Highlights what you should consider before investing in the stock market. It also shows how picking the market can be tricky ? Did you know that the Australian stock market is lagging badly behind the US and UK stock markets? This is despite Australia having a much stronger economy.?
John from Wallet Blog presents Secured Credit Cards: The Expected, The Surprising & The Best For Your Needs, and says, ?Think all secured credit cards are the same? Find out some important differences between secured credit card issuers and which secured card may be best for your personal financial management needs.?
Liana from Card Hub presents March Madness Credit Card Matchup, and says, ?With the recent release of Federal statistics that summarize the national consumer credit card debt for 2011, you know basketball isn?t the only game in town! Find out how top credit cards stack up in a ?March Madness? tournament (evaluation) of cards used for varying financial planning purposes.?
Miss T. from Prairie Eco Thrifter presents 3 Tips to Help You Manage a Windfall, and says, ?Windfalls can come in a completely unexpected event in one?s life, particularly when they are not expecting anything. Whether it?s winning the lottery, receiving settlement, or getting inheriting money, people think that winning from a windfall is far-fetched. So when the opportunity comes, they tend to spend everything until they realize that they have nothing left anymore. This leaves the question: what to do with a windfall??
Laura Edgar from NerdWallet presents America?s Top EMV ?Chip and PIN? Credit Cards, and says, ??Traveling internationally? Don?t get declined because of your clunky American credit card! Many foreign establishments will only take chip-and-PIN, or EMV, credit cards. EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa) chips serve as a more secure alternative to the magnetic stripes favored by Americans. Most of the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, Canada, etc.) has graduated from the old magstripe system, but the US, stubborn as the day is long, has yet to adopt the EMV standard. Right now, there are only a few credit cards equipped with EMV chips available to American consumers. Here are the current American EMV cards and what we think of them.?"
Money Beagle from Money Beagle presents Why We Pay More For Dental Work Than We Have To, and says, ?Sometimes paying more is actually better in the long run.?
D4L from Dividend Growth Stocks presents 10 Dividend Stocks Ignoring The 4% Rule, and says, ?Bengen notes that people who retired in 2000 are of the greatest concern. Since retiring, they have endured two major bear markets. The next five years will be critical for this group. A surge of inflation above its historical average of 3 percent, could derail the 4% rule for this group. You have to be able to survive worst-case scenarios. There is a better way??
John Hunter from Curious Cat Investing and Economics Blog presents 60% % of Workers in the USA Have Less Than $25,000 in Retirement Savings, and says, ?Determining the perfect amount to save for retirement is complicated. A reasonable retirement saving plan is not. Saving 10% of your gross income from the time you are 25 until 65 gives you a decent ballpark estimate. Then you can adjust even 5 or 10 years as you look at your current situation.?
Jeffrey from Saving Advice presents Getting Off the Technology Carousel, and says, ?It?s not that I don?t enjoy technology and the ease it creates in my life, but I decided to stop sinking my money into things that don?t last. I keep my computer up to date because I have to for work. I upgrade my design and word processing software because I have to in order to keep my sills up to date and earn a living. The rest of it, I leave alone.?
John from Passive Family Income presents How to Kill Your Cable, and says, ?My husband and I use and enjoy our cable with DVR, but it would be one of the first expenses to go if we needed extra cash. Luckily there are a bunch of cable alternatives even if we didn?t use our DVR. Here are a few of those options to rely on if you killed cable and still wanted to watch television shows or movies.?
Peter from Bible Money Matters presents Will You Have to Pay Taxes on Forgiven Mortgage Debt or Principal Reduction After a Foreclosure or Short Sale?, and says, ?There is a law that was passed back in 2007 under President Bush that said that people with forgiven or reduced mortgage debt would not be liable to pay taxes on the forgiven debt amount through the end of 2012.?
Dan from ETF Base presents 5 Lowest Cost ETFs on Earth, and says, ?Want to know what the 5 lowest cost ETFs on Earth are? Come check them out, since cost matters more than strategy when it comes to passive investing.?
Darwin from Darwin?s Money presents Internal Rate of Return Equation Reviewed, and says, ?Here?s a primer on how to calculate the Internal Rate of Return in excel, which is a great tool that everyone should understand.?
Lazy Man from Lazy Man and Money presents Marriott Vacation Club: Scam or Not?, and says, ?The value of these timeshares always go up. Measured from the my $14,000 estimate it cost in 2000, it has gone up 11.7%. Measured from 2004, it was 11%.
Did I find an investment that goes up 11% long term (okay 12 years), even despite recessions? Perhaps not so much. Let?s dig deeper??
Jim from Bargaineering.com presents How to Get a Great Credit Score, and says, ?I share how my wife and I got our great credit scores using good behavior and plenty of time.?
FIRE Finance from FIRE Finance presents Retirement ? All Is Well If Our HEART Is Well, and says, ?One afternoon we were musing about the nature of our financial lives. We were wondering how we could visualize the entire financial game symbolically? A symbol is easy to remember and often leads to clarity in understanding. After some quiet moments ??
Source: http://thirtysixmonths.com/carnival-of-personal-finance-ted-talks-edition/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=carnival-of-personal-finance-ted-talks-edition
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